Whitney Bellish, JD, graduated from Florida State University with a BS in Criminology and obtained her JD in 2008 from Wake Forest School of Law. She began working as a prosecutor right out of law school and has handled a variety of cases over the years. In 2019, she became the Child Abuse Resource Prosecutor for the NC Conference of DAs, where she spends most of her time serving as a resource for prosecutors and other allied professionals as they deal with issues in investigating and prosecuting child sexual and physical abuse. This includes training, creating reference materials, and fielding assistance requests. Bellish also serves as the Co-Chair of the Intentional Death Committee of the Child Fatality Task Force and represents prosecutors on a variety of other committees and task forces. In her free time, Bellish loves to spend time with family and friends, read, and volunteer.
Paul Thomas Clements, PhD, RN, AFN-C, ANEF, DF-IAFN, DF-AFN, is a board-certified Advanced Practice Forensic Nurse (FNCB/AFN-C), a Certified Gang Specialist, and Certified in Danger Assessment. Practicing in the forensic psychiatric nursing arena for over 30 years, Clements has provided consultation for hospital systems, EMTs, Child Protective Agency personnel, trauma/emergency nurses, psychiatric providers, academic and corporate settings. Clements holds a Master’s degree in Child and Family Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing and a Doctor of Philosophy in Forensic Psychiatric Nursing, both from the University of Pennsylvania, with research and practice that have surrounded the traumatic presentations and behaviors of children exposed violence, crime, and sudden death. In his spare time, Clements is a Sci-Fi geek and enjoys all things Star Trek, X-Men, Avengers, and the old 1970s BBC Series: SPACE 1999. |
Nikki Croteau-Johnson, MA, LPA, is a psychologist with over 24 years of clinical experience working with children, adolescents and their families in outpatient and forensic settings. She has specialty training in several evidence-based treatments, and is a trainer-in-training for PSB-CBT™ through the National Center on the Sexual Behavior of Youth. She is the Clinical Director for the Problematic Sexual Behavior Program for Children and Adolescents at the North Carolina Child Treatment Program, where in addition to providing direct clinical services, she oversees the implementation of a statewide PSB program; developing a clinical workforce; stakeholder education and engagement, and other sustainability initiatives. In her free time, she enjoys playing with her rambunctious crew of three cats! |
Joy Martin, DNP, APRN, NP-C, SANE-A, SANE-P has been an RN since 2008 and an NP since 2018. She recently completed her Doctor of Nursing Practice through Yale University. She is a Nurse Practitioner Medical Director for Gila River Health Care’s SANE Forensic Nursing Department, serving the members of the Gila River Indian Community. Martin has been instrumental in expanding the program and growing it into a full time forensic department with six full-time and eight on-call forensic nurses, where they offer examinations for all manner of trauma and violence. She also moonlights as an Emergency Department NP at several IHS facilities in Arizona. Outside of nursing, she loves spending time with her four children. For fun, they love to play board games, card games, hike, and travel!
Deborah St. Germain, DNP, RN, AFN-C, SANE-A, SANE-P, IVSE-C has enjoyed a robust 38-year career as a nurse in critical care, emergency nursing, and forensic nursing. Along with her passion for patient care, she has spent 33 years teaching undergraduate and graduate nursing. Currently, she is a lecturer at Texas A&M School of Nursing in the Forensic Nursing Graduate Program and working as a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner caring for children, adolescents, and adults, as well as performing post-mortem examinations with Jefferson Parish Coroner’s Office in Louisiana. |
Anne Troy, Phd, APRN, FNP-BC has been a nurse for 47 years. She presently is an Associate Professor at the University of Holy Cross and works at a CAC evaluating clients across the lifespan for abuse and neglect. Her doctoral research found a statistically significant association between child abuse and low self forgiveness. She has written a book "My Mimi is a Freckle Detective " which captures the lessons she teaches families to target harden children against sexual abuse. Her six grandchildren keep her young and active and her peloton ensures she doesn't have an excuse to sit still. |
Tracey Wagner, MSN, RN, CPN, SANE-P lives in Swanton, Vermont. She has been a pediatric nurse for over 39 years, in a variety of settings. For the last 10 years she has practiced as a pediatric forensic nurse, working in a hospital-based child protection program and with the Vermont Forensic Nursing Program. When not at work, she spends time with her eight grandchildren (and their parents), wrangles her Polish Tatra Sheepdog and works in the family greenhouse and farmstand business. |
Cheryl Wier, MSN, RN, SANE-A, SANE-P, NYSAFE, has been a registered nurse since 2006, specializing in emergency nursing, forensic nursing, and nursing supervision. She has been a forensic nurse since 2008 and is currently practicing at several locations throughout northwestern Pennsylvania and western New York. Cheryl served as the Clinical Nurse Coordinator for the Duquesne University ANE-SANE grant, an initiative aimed at developing forensic nursing clinical skills and offering essential support to students advancing from novice to experienced SANE providers. Cheryl advocates for forensic nurses and the patients they serve on various national and statewide committees focused on improving care for these individuals. To balance this challenging work, Cheryl enjoys time with her family at any shore where there is "treasure" to be found, be it seashells, beach glass, or just a pretty rock that catches her eye. |