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Course Overview

Many clinicians are involved in groundbreaking and/or innovative initiatives that are of great interest to other professionals. Sharing this information helps build the professional and shine a light on excellence in practice. Unfortunately, some professionals are reluctant to write up their accomplishments or to submit them for publication. They might think their work is not significant enough, that it is not scholarly, or that their writing skills are not strong enough. It is extremely important to disseminate the work professionals do. This helps guide others with less experience in the area, and serves as a foundation for others to build evidence-informed practice.

The purpose of this webinar is to discuss the types of papers professionals might submit for publication, how to find a journal that fits with their work, and tips on how to prepare a paper for publication. The session is provided by the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the Academy of Forensic Nursing (JAFN), who also is an established researcher and author.


  • Discuss the role of practice innovation in evidence-informed practice
  • Describe different types of articles suitable for submission
  • Identify sources to locate potential publications suited to your project
  • Discuss strategies and resources to produce a draft paper for submission
  • Describe considerations in preparing the paper for submission


Catherine Carter-Snell, PhD RN SANE-A DF-AFN

Dr. Catherine Carter-Snell (CJ) is a full professor in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Canada. She has worked mainly in trauma settings most of her career, including trauma ICU and level 1 Emergency departments as a staff nurse, clinical educator, and nurse manager. Her journey into forensic nursing began in 1996, taking her first formal forensic course, then SANE-A and SANE-P courses, and many others that followed. She began working with sexual assault teams in two cities and became a certified SANE-A (the first Canadian formally certified). CJ had already created an Emergency nursing certificate program at the university, and then created an online forensic certificate program in 1998 which continued until 2013. She continues to develop and teach courses locally and nationally on trauma informed sexual assault and domestic violence care. A major focus at present is teaching and sharing a collaborative rural sexual assault model in outlying communities across the country and with the Canadian Military (the Enhanced Emergency Sexual Assault Services – EESAS program).

CJ has a successful research program, receiving almost 4 million dollars in research grants for projects related to prevention of violence and/or reduction of adverse consequences. Examples include risks for injury with sexual assault, development of the BALD STEP injury guide, male dating violence on campus, a dating violence prevention program for universities (Stepping Up), critical incident stress in nursing students, psychological harm with simulation, needs of rural communities to provide sexual assault care, sexual assault prevention in disasters, and most recently co-investigator in a large multiyear project to improve sexual assault and intimate partner violence services for the transgender community.

Her leadership experience is varied and extensive. She has served numerous mentorship roles (e.g. Teaching Scholar, Research Scholar, Nursing Scholar), nurse manager (e.g. level 1 trauma ER, post anaesthesia unit, clinical simulation lab), clinical lead/instructor, an executive on various professional associations (e.g. Canadian Cardiovascular Nurses association, Academy of Forensic Nursing Director, St John Ambulance), and chair of numerous professional committees including research, education, and creator/co-chair of AFN’s international special interest group. In 2006 she co-founded, and was the first president, for what is now the Canadian Forensic Nurses Association. After her work on the AFN Board of Directors, she created the Journal of the Academy of Forensic Nursing (JAFN) and is currently the Editor in Chief.

CJ has won numerous of awards for her forensic nursing, teaching and research, including the international dissertation award from Sigma Theta Tau, designation as 1 in 100 Canadian nurse influencers, and as a “Difference Maker” with the Canadian Association of Mental Health for her work with trauma informed forensic care, and became a Distinguished Fellow of the Academy. CJ strongly believes in the AFN’s commitment to evidence-informed forensic nursing practice, as well as in collaboration, partnerships, and collegiality. It is hoped we can expand the profile of AFN in forensic nursing across the globe, support new forensic groups, and learn from other forensic nursing associations. We are stronger together.

Continuing Education Disclosure

Enduring Modules: This module will remain available for CE credit through 03/01/2027

Criteria for Successful Completion: Live attendees must join the Zoom link via the learning management system (LMS) site, be logged in for a minimum of 90% of the session, and successfully complete the attestation and evaluation. Upon completion, a CE certificate for 1.25 contact hours will be awarded. 

Recordings of the live session will be made available within one week of the live date. 

Asynchronous attendees must utilize the LMS to obtain resource information (if available), view 100% of recording(s), complete all modules, and successfully complete the attestation and evaluation. Upon completion, a CE certificate for 1.25 contact hours will be awarded.

No relevant financial relationships exist for any individuals in a position to control content of this educational activity.

NOTE: The Academy of Forensic Nursing is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.