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Course Overview

This webinar, which will be of interest to forensic nurses as well as law enforcement and child safety professionals, will cover intraoral, extraoral, facial, head, and neck injuries related to child physical and sexual abuse. Children exposed to maltreatment often display intraoral and extraoral signs, many which are characteristic of all child abuse types. Bony fractures, bruises, welts, bite marks, burn marks, dental/medical neglect, abrasions, lacerations, “black eyes”, avulsed teeth, palatal bruising, a torn frenum, are all injuries that can be associated with abuse. 

Which types of trauma that may be seen on the face, head, and neck will trigger us as healthcare providers to then do a full body exam, with clothing removed, to assess for other indicators of child maltreatment? (bruises, bite marks, burns, fractures, etc.) We will briefly discuss the intersection between child abuse and human trafficking, photography and lighting, and the Secret of Forensics: The Power of Observation. 


  • Critique dental & facial (extra-orally & intra-orally) findings related to occurrences of child physical & sexual abuse.
  • Describe best practice approaches to assess for indicators of child maltreatment.
  • Discuss the intersections of child abuse and human trafficking.


Dr. James Frizzell is currently a practicing dentist in Niagara Falls, Canada and attended the University of Toronto (BSc CHEM and DDS). In 2019, James entered the world of forensics, attending McGill University for Dental Forensics and was trained “hands-on” by the Surete Du Quebec forensic team in Montreal, for forensic photography.

Frizzell served in the Canadian Armed Forces from 1984 to 1992 as an Air Force dentist in Cold Lake Alberta with F18 fighters based there. He observed child abuse in indigenous families in the local civilian population and this influenced him to study the topic of child abuse. Most dental licensing bodies, and most healthcare professionals, in every state and in every province of North America require mandatory child abuse recognition and reporting. Dr. Frizzell has provided continuing education seminars on this topic in Ontario, Canada.

Enduring Modules - This module originated on 04/23/2025 and will remain available for CE credit through 05/01/2027

Criteria for Successful Completion:

Live attendees must join the zoom link via the LMS site, be logged in for a minimum of 90% of the session, and successfully complete the attestation and evaluation. Upon completion, a CE certificate for 1.25 contact hours will be awarded. 

Recordings of the live session will be made available within one week of the live date. 

Asynchronous attendees must utilize the LMS to obtain resource information (if available), view 100% of recording(s), complete all modules, and successfully complete the attestation and evaluation. Upon completion, a CE certificate for 1.25 contact hours will be awarded.

No relevant financial relationships exist for any individuals in a position to control content of this educational activity.


The Academy of Forensic Nursing is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

Pricing options

AFN Members can attend the LIVE session for free. Please select the AFN MEMBER option and enter the 100% discount code located in the AFN Member Center at: